Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Update: Internet Blocking of LGBT websites in the Harford County Public School system

Delegate Rick Impallaria

I just want to update all of you who could not be there last night.

I went to the Harford County Public Schools, School Board public meeting last night. There were many of our friends there. Among the supportive speakers were: Rev. Lisa Ward, Joyce Kipp, Joseph Smith of the Stonewall Democrats of Central Maryland, and Allison Harper representing the ACLU.

Delegate Rick Impallaria presented a petition signed by approximately 695 people encouraging the Harford County School Board to rescind their decision to unblock LGBT web site on the school system’s Internet.

Delegate Rick Impallaria is simply opposed to anything LGBT. He used the phrases like “Alternate Lifestyle,” to describe LGBT family life and “transsexual” in place of “transgender.” He is a self-described "Christian" and stated clearly that he thinks that being gay or lesbian equates to "a problem" with sexuality. I would like to illustrate him a “Conservative Christian” as there are many progressive and liberal Christians who support LGBT equality.

Some websites containing “sexual content” such as pornographic websites and sites where adult social interaction takes place will continue to be blocked. As a leader of a PFLAG chapter I wholeheartedly support this continuation. We must protect LGBT children from insidious influences just as parents of non-LGBT children wish to protect their children. These sites are filtered out through other "blocks". At issue here were site that provide educational information about political, academic and current events involving the LGBT discourse. This was and remands clearly an equal access to information issue. Parents do have the right to disallow their child’s access to the Internet at school. The school system does provide a regressive approach to learning for those who wish to prevent their children from up-to-date access to information. One must ask, “What happened to leaving no child behind?”

The good news is the LGBT supporters and the supporters for free access to information outnumbered those who were unhappy with the school board's decision to get into compliance with both Maryland State and U.S. Federal law with regard to equal access to information. The school board president said they "had no choice." They had to comply with the law or face a very expensive law suit which "we would lose."

Chalk one up for all the hard-fought-for gains we (LGBT and our Allies) have won over the years regarding civil equality.

You may want to relax for now thinking the children are safe and LGBT access has been protected!

In the end Del. Impallaria is simply trying to generate media attention. He is running for re-election this fall.

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